Abbey Wood Nursery School is able to offer up to 156 places for children aged 3-4 year olds.

We have a limited number of 2-3 year old places available and these children are taught with the 3-4 year old children. There is a charge for our 2-3 year old places unless you are eligible for the ‘2 year old entitlement’ (Please see Children’s Centre staff for information about ‘Together for two’s’ or go to the Childcare Choices website to see if you are eligible for the 'Working Parents' entitlement.).

Our places are mainly part time, for children who are entitled to the free 15 hours per week. The session times are 9.00am-12.00pm. We have a limited number of full-time places, 9.00am-3.15pm, the extra 15 hours paid for by parents, these places may also incur a dinner money charge if the child is not entitled to free school meals. 

Our provision will be changing in September 2017 to include the Governments new 30 hour entitlement for working families. To see if your family qualifies for the 30 hours provision please click here and it will take you to an eligibility checker.

The demand for nursery provision in this area means that we are unable to offer a place to every child on the application list. Our policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it follows the advice given by Greenwich Education Service in the booklet “Choosing a Nursery School in Greenwich”. A copy of this booklet is available on request.

You may fill in an application form for a nursery place after your child’s second birthday. Filling in an application form does not guarantee a place for your child, nor give your child priority over late applicants. 

Click below for an application form:-

Application forms

If you do not have access to a printer please come to the school office where we will be happy to give you the form.

Please bring the completed form into the School office.

The school endeavours to keep a balance of 3 and 4 year olds.

Three terms is usually regarded as the minimum time that children should spend in the school although there can be exceptions to this.

The nursery admits children according to Greenwich Admissions Criteria and will give priority in the following order:

1. “Looked after children”; who is a child in the care of the local authority

2. Children with social, medical or educational need for education in a nursery school

3. Greenwich children for whom this is the nearest nursery school or class. ( the address of a registered childminder may be taken into account)

4. Children who have a brother or sister already on roll at the nursery

5. Greenwich children for whom this is not the nearest nursery school or class

6. Children living in other boroughs


When your child starts attending this school he/she will be offered a place in line with their entitlement of 15 hours. 


Although Alexander McLeod Primary is our nearest school, attendance at Abbey Wood does not guarantee a place there.

To apply for a primary school place you must set up an account on eAdmissions via the Royal Borough of Greenwich website, education section. For more information  click here

Further information about primary schools can be obtained from Greenwich Education Service (0208 854 8888) or by talking to the Headteacher at Abbey Wood Nursery

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