What is the Governing Body for?

All maintained schools have a governing body.  The Department of Education says that the purpose of having a governing body is to

  • Help the school to set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school improvement.
  • Keep the pressure up on school improvement Be a critical friend to the school, offering support and advice
  • Help the school respond to the needs of parents and the community
  • Make the school accountable to the public for what it does
  • Work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review
  • Exercise its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the headteacher and staff
  • Not intervene in the day-to-day management of the school unless there are weaknesses in the school, when it then has a duty to take action.

How are parents’ views represented on the governing body?

There are 4 parent governors on the governing body. They are there to give a parental perspective.  You can ask them to represent your views or ask a question on your behalf. You can also ask the chair to put a particular item on the agenda.

Specific issues concerning any individual child cannot be discussed by the governing body.

If you have a complaint about the school which you have not been able to resolve using our Complaints Procedure, or if you have a complaint about the headteacher, then you can contact the chair and ask for your complaint to be inves tigated by the governors.

For an up to date list of Governors or to contact one please enquire at the school office or contact Royal Greenwich Governor Services.

Governors Documents

The governing bodies

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