Learn more about the EYFS

In 2017 Abbey Wood Nursery School was judged to be 'Good' by Ofsted and we are dedicated to providing a high-quality early learning experience for all our children. We're proud that our children are taught to an exceptional standard across the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We take great care to implement the curriculum in the right way, and every child at our nursery is supported by a key person.

What does the EYFS curriculum entail?

Prime areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    The focus includes making relationships, self-confidence, self-awareness and managing feelings and behaviour.
  • Physical Development
    Areas of learning include moving and handling, as well as health and self-care.
  • Communication and Language
    Children learn about listening and paying attention, not to mention developing speaking skills and an understanding of language.

Specific areas

  • Literacy - Literacy Development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters, and begin to read and write
  • Mathematics - numbers, shape, space and measuring
  • Understanding the world - people and communities, the world, technology
  • Expressive arts and design - Imagination; media and materials.

Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Playing and exploring
  • Active learning - being involved and concentrating
  • Creating and thinking critically - having ideas


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