We have been reading the story 'We're Going On a Bear Hunt' in Moonlight Room. The children have had a wonderful time learning the story off by heart and acting it out at story groups.
This has led to them making a 'cave' in their play, building walls to keep the bear out and hiding from bears in the garden under a duvet. We have explored lots of different environments from the story with our hands, trying to make some of the sounds from the book, and some of us have felt brave enough to stomp barefoot (or with wellies!) through mud, grass and water just like the characters in the book! Many of the children have also felt inspired to have a go at painting their own pictures of bears using paintbrushes and different shaped printing tools. We have also been making collages of the different environments to make a big class display together.
Lots of the children have been very concerned that the Bear in the story is feeling lonely and have been coming up with imaginative ways to cheer him up (including sending him broccoli or throwing him a birthday party!), so as a class we are planning to write a letter to the Bear to give him some of our ideas.
If you want to support your child with their interest in this story at home it would be great to take for a walk in a forest and have a listen to what noises your feet make when stomping through it.
Below is a link to an excellent video of Michael Rosen, the book's author reading the story out loud. You could watch it with your child and let them tell you about it! They've remembered so much of the story off by heart and all had so much to say about it in class!
Moonlight Room Bear Hunt Pictures
Next week:
We will have some eggs coming to visit us at nursery that will hatch into chicks! We will be learning lots about the life cycle of a chicken.