We have been reading the story On the Way Home and the children have been having a great time exploring the story. We have taken part in lots of retelling the story with small world characters and acting it out on stage for our friends to watch. Everyone really enjoyed either being on stage or sitting and clapping their friends when the performance had finished.
We have made our own stories in lots of different ways, for example some of us made little zig-zag books, some of us thought of a new version with new characters and shared these versions with friends. We have also come together to create a collaborative story using props and objects in our Chatterbox box. This supports the children to use their imagination and descriptive language, listen and respond to our friends ideas as well as sharing our own. 
Finally we have had lots of fun making puppets from our imagination and from the story. Many of us were finding materials from the workshop area to add to our puppets, explaining what they were using and why, so lots of brilliant thinking was taking place!

Here is a a really good link for the story that you can watch and listen to together. Afterwards you can get your child to tell you all about it, the characters they liked or disliked and maybe what they think did actually happen to Claire on the way home?!


Star Room pictures On the Way Home





For the next two weeks we will have the chicks visiting, so we will be very busy learning how to care for them and part of the life cycle. We will have a stay and play on Saturday the 11th March if you want to come and see them!