Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is extra funding that aims to improve outcomes for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds who are receiving the free entitlement to free education.  Children who meet the criteria will be eligible for an extra 53p per hour (approx £300 per year)

We will use this money to make a difference through additional staff, resources and support for the children.

Registering for free meals could raise an extra £302 per 3 or 4 year old child in a nursery school and an extra £1,300 per child in a primary school.

The additional money is called the Pupil Premium and is available from central government for every child whose mum, dad or carer is receiving welfare benefits. It is therefore important to sign up for free school meals so that your child’s school receives as much funding as possible.

Please see the office staff who will give you a Free School Meals form to complete. 

The information you provide in this form will be used by the Council to confirm receipt of one of the listed welfare benefits. Once this is confirmed, this helps to decide how much money your child’s school will receive each year.

You only need to complete this form once and it will last for the whole of your child’s time at their current school.

Thank you - by completing this form you are helping to make sure your child’s school is as well funded as possible. 


Please see previous years Early Years Pupil Premium Statements below:

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

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